Green Entrepreneurship

Instructors: Ioannis Nikolaou
Course Code: ΠΕ
Semester: 7th
Weekly teaching hours: 3
ECTS credits: 5
Prerequisites: Environmental Economics – Corporate Environmental Perfromance
Course offered to Erasmus students: Yes
Course URL: TMC285/

Learning Outcomes: 

The Green Entrepreneurship course aims to provide students with the basic principles of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and environmental management. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the applications that the use of entrepreneurship can offer in solving environmental problems. Upon successful completion of the course the student will have:

  • Understand the importance of the basic concepts of entrepreneurship
  • Understand the key concepts of entrepreneurship and the basic principles of entrepreneurship; understand the mechanisms of the economy and society
  • understand how to find new business opportunities.
  • become familiar with the concepts of green entrepreneurship.
  • become familiar with the drafting of a business plan.
  • understand economic analysis techniques for green entrepreneurship.
  • acquire the ability to develop a business plan for green business ideas.

General Skills:

Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies

– Decision-making
– Teamwork
– Generating new research ideas
– Generating new research ideas
– Respect for the natural environment
– Promotion of free, creative and deductive thinking

Course Content:

1. Introduction to the science of entrepreneurship.

2. Analysis of the concepts of Entrepreneur and Enterprise

3. Theories of Entrepreneur.

4. Theories of Green Entrepreneurship.

5. Green Entrepreneur Theories.

6. Introduction to Business plan

7. Analysis of Business Idea.

8. Analysis of Strategy – Strategy Canvas.

9. Analysis of Competitiveness Matrix.

10. PEST Analysis.

11. SWOT analysis.

12. Environmental Marketing Analysis.

13. Economic Analysis of Business Idea.

Suggested Bibliography: 

  • Βιβλίο [22714756]: Από την κρίση στη βιώσιμη ανάπτξη, Μπαμπανάσης Σ.
  • Βιβλίο [59397350]: Επιχειρηματικότητα και μικρές Επιχειρήσεις 2η Έκδoση, David Deakins, Mark Freel.
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