Instructors: Georgios Gikas
Course Code: Ε8ΥΠ
Semester: 7th
Weekly teaching hours: 3
ECTS credits: 5
Prerequisites: MATHEMATICS
Course offered to Erasmus students: No
Course URL:

Learning Outcomes: :

The course aims to bring students in contact with an important part of the science of engineering, Geodesy. The aim is for the student to become familiar with the instruments and methods needed to chart and calculate a route, to measure and calculate field areas, to make topographic drawings and to read topographic maps.
Upon successful completion of the course, students:

  • They know the objects of Geodesy.
  • They are familiar with the functions of geodetic instruments.
  • Understand and solve polygonal paths.

Students also, acquire the ability το:

  • Calculate the coordinates of points
  • Calculate areas and volumes

General Skills:

Autonomous work
Project design and management
Working in an interdisciplinary environment

Course Content: 
1. Introduction, Basic definitions (distance, length, area, vertical, horizontal angle, vertical angle, etc.), Units of Measurement (lengths, angles, etc.), Surfaces and reference systems (global, European, Greek geodetic systems), Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987 (EGSA ’87).
2. Basic fieldwork: Marking, Securing, Alignment thickening, Length measurement methods.
3. Error theory elements: Error transmission law. Area calculations.
4. The three (3) fundamental problems of Geodesy.
5. Principles of operation of geodetic instruments.
6. Theodolite, Angle measurements (horizontal, vertical).
7. Length measurements, Methods of height difference determination, Trigonometric altitude.
8. Establishment of new trigonometric points, Trigonometric point positioning, Establishment of new points from highly elevated known station.
9. The computation of traverses.
10. Topographic surveys: Surveying with a theodolite and stadia or a total station.
11. Horizontal surveying of small parcels.
12. Topographic plans, Ground sections (length, cross section), Use of topographic maps, Volume calculations.
13. Satellite positioning systems. The Greek positioning system (HEPOS).

Suggested Bibliography:

  • «Applied Geodesy», Ε. Lamprou, G. Pantazis, Eds. ZITI. ISBN 978-960-456-205-3
  • «Geodesy Courses: Basic Principles – Applications”, Georgopoulos G., Eds. TZIOLA. ISBN 978-960-418-736-2
  • «Geodesy» Volume Ι, A.G. Bantelas, P.D. Savvaidis, Ι.Μ. Ifantis, Ι.D. Doukas, Publishing House Kyriakidis Brothers S.A.., ISBN 978-960-343-328-6.
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