Ecological Engineering & Technology I

Instructors: Georgios Gikas
Course Code: Ζ4ΥΠ
Semester: 6th
Weekly teaching hours: 4
ECTS credits: 5
Prerequisites: Mathematics, Engineering Hydrology, Wastewater Management and Treatment Technologies I
Course offered to Erasmus students: No
Course URL: ?course=TMC218

Learning Outcomes:

Α) Knowledge-based
• Student introduction to the ecological engineering processes,
• Comprehending the processes of pollutants production in urban runoff.
• Understanding the functions of best management practices (BMP) of urban runoff.
• Understanding methods for selecting appropriate BMPs.
Β) Skills/Competences acquired
• Capacity to estimate the pollutant loads and water volume in urban runoff.
• Capacity to design facilities that increase filtration of urban runoff (porous pavements, filtration trenches etc).
• Capacity to design oil/grease separators, water quality wells.
• Capacity to design ponds (in series and in parallel) for surficial retention/storage of urban runoff.
• Capacity to design ponds for quality control of urban runoff.
• Ability of using multi-criteria analysis for the selection of appropriate BMP.

General Skills:
Autonomous work
Respect for the natural environment
Project design and management
Working in an interdisciplinary environment

Course Content: 

1. The Science of Ecological Engineering, Definitions. Description of urban areas pollution. Production processes, type and sources of urban runoff pollutants.
2. Quality runoff and pollutant loads estimation methods. Estimation of the pollutant accumulation on the road. Estimation of the accumulated pollutants flushing by the rain.
3. Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control the urban runoff pollution. Source control measures: roads and impervious surfaces cleaning, pervious surfaces control.
4. Filtration constructions: porous pavements, infiltration trenches, wells sewage with filtration, filters.
5. Increase surficial retention: storage on roofs and terraces.
6. Grass filters. Environmental corridors.
7. Before entering the sewer control: oil/grease separators, sewers water quality, screens.
8. Control into the sewer or the channel: channel bed stabilization methods. Storage, retention into the sewer or the channel.
9. Flood control ponds (in series and in parallel).
10. Quality control ponds: first-flush infiltration, extended dry pond, wet pond, wetlands.
11. Detention ponds (in series and in parallel) for combined sewer system.
12. Runoff treatment: sand filters, biological treatment processes, disinfection.
13. Multi-criteria analysis for the selection of the best management practices (BMPs).

Suggested Bibliography:

1. Ecological Engineering and Technology, Vol. I: Management of runoff, pollutant and sediments”, Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis, University Press Book.
2. Novotny V., and Olem H., (1994), «Water Quality – prevention, Identification, and management of Diffuse Pollution», Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, USA.
3. City of Seattle, Washington, (1989), «Water Quality, Best Management Practices Manual».
4. Galli J., (1990), «Peat-sand Filters: A Proposed Stormwater Management Practice for Urban Areas», Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, D.C.

5.Schuler T.R., (1987), Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs, Washington Metropolitan Water Resources Planning Board.6

6.Wanielista M., Kersten R., Eaglin R., (1997), «Hydrology: Water Quantity and Quality Control», John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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