Applied Hydraulics and Grounwater Hydraulics

Instructors: Konstantinos Moutsopoulos
Course Code: 15ΖΥ3Ν-Κ2
Semester: 7th
Weekly teaching hours: 6
ECTS credits: 5
Prerequisites: Fluid Mechanics, Τεχνική υδρολογία
Course offered to Erasmus students: No
Course URL: TMC342/

Learning Outcomes: : 

  • Understanding of the closed conduit hydraulics and of the open channel hydraulics
  • Understanding of the methods for solving of problems related to applied hydraulics
  • Understanding of the principles of groundwater hydraulics

General Skills: 

  • Sizing of closed pipes
  • Dimensioning of pipes
  • Dimensioning of open channels
  • Design of hydraulic structures

Course Content:
1. Introduction. Application of Hydraulics to the Environmental Engineering Science, computation of head losses, use of the Moody diagram. Use of the Colebrook-White equation.
2. Computation of minor losses.
3. Hydraulics of flow between two tanks connected by a closed conduit
4. Regulation of the flow-rate by the use of valves. Hydraulic behaviour of a system three tanks connected by closed pipes. Hydraulics of pumps.
5. Open Channel Hydraulics. The Bernoulli equation for free surface flows. The Manning equation for head losses computation. Subcritical and supercritical flows. Flow depth computation for the case of negligible energy losses
6. The case of uniform (normal) flow. Flow depth computation for the case of a channel with an orthogonal cross-section by using the Newton-Raphson method. Computation of the flow depth for the case of a channel with a trapezoidal cross-section
7. Flows with gradually changing flow depths. Types of curves for gradually changing depths M1, M2, M3, S1, S2, S3. Computation of the flow characteristics for gradually changing flow depths. Cross-sections which control the flow conditions.
8. Hydraulic jumps. Types of hydraulic jumps. Computation of flow characteristics and energy losses in the hydraulic jump case. Practical applications.
9. Weir hydraulics. Hydraulics of waste water treatment plants.
10. Significance of underground water resources. Simulation of underground water resources. Porous media and the equivalent continuum approach. The Darcy law. The Forchheimer law. Simulation of flows in fractures. The double porosity model. The discrete fracture simulation approach.
11. The continuity (mass balance) equation for confined and unconfined aquifers. The Boussinesq equation. Solutions to the one-dimensional transient equations for groundwater flows. Application to the interactions between aquifers and water bodies.
12. Two-dimensional steady-state and transient flows in aquifers. The method of images. Multi-well problems. The method of images. The Theis equation.
13. Mass transfer in groundwater aquifers. Simulation of dispersion processes in aquifers. Heat transfer in groundwater aquifers and exploitation of geothermal energy

Suggested Bibliography:

  • Terzidis G. Applied Hydraulics. Ziti Editions. In Greek
  • Bear J., (1986) «Groundwater Hydraulics», McGraw Hill.
  • Polubarinova-Kochina, P.Y.-A.: (1962) «Theory of Groundwater Movement». pp. 613 Princeton University Press.
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