The mission of the Department of Environmental Engineering is to educate prospective Graduate engineers in the design, construction, operation and management of modern infrastructures for the conservation of the critical natural capital of the planet, required to cover the needs of present and future generations. The main areas of specialization of Environmental Engineers focus on the solid and hazardous waste and wastewater management, the control and management of air pollutants, the renewable energy production systems , the water resources management, the energy management and the environmental management for sustainable development.
Wastewater, students are trained in the design, analysis, simulation, development, automated control and optimization of anaerobic and aerobic biochemical processes as well as physical processes for wastewater treatment, anaerobic treatment of agricultural and industrial waste and biomass for biogas and energy production, sewage treatment and water recycling, the microbiological and molecular techniques applied for the characterization of ecosystems and the control of biological processes and finally in the technologies of drinking water treatment.
Solid wastes, students are trained in the design of systems for solid and hazardous waste management, such as systems for recycling, collection, transportat/transfer, biological treatment (compost, anaerobic digestion, biological drying), combustion for energy recovery, landfill disposal of solid waste and reclamation of contaminated land and groundwater .Atmospheric pollution, students acquire the ability to handle technologies for air pollution control in urban, rural and natural environment, to design devices that remove atmospheric pollutants in different industries, to control indoor air quality and handle climate change issues.
Water resources, students acquire the appropriate scientific and technological background to study, design, implement and operate technical projects related to water resources management (surface water and groundwater) as well as to evaluate, develop and interconnect systems for monitoring, modeling and managing water resources in the natural environment. In parallel, students are trained in management of urban and agricultural drainage and the design of natural treatment systems for wastewater.
Energy Management, students acquire skills in the use of energy saving and management technologies, mainly in buildings.
Renewable Energy Sources, students are educated in the design, development, operation, control and automation of energy production systems (hybrid or not) using solar energy, wind energy and energy from biomass.
Environmental management, students are educated in topics like ecology, environmental microbiology, management of water resources and coastal ecosystems.
Sustainable development, students are trained in topics like environmental economics, natural resources’ pricing techniques, green entrepreneurship, environmental management systems (ISO 14001, EMAS, eco-label) and the influence of psychological and social variables in environmental protection issues.